Volume 40 - Issue 15 - April 15, 2021
State of Kansas
Department of Health and Environment
Request for Comments
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has drafted the Kansas Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) water quality certification requested by Duane Hund on behalf of Hafenstine Construction Co. for public notice #2021-00219. The project will entail temporarily stockpiling gravel on gravel bars located within the stream channels as part of a commercial gravel excavation operation. There are a total of 18 sites on Rock Creek, Mill Creek, and its tributaries in Wabaunsee County where gravel would be excavated and stockpiled over the next five (5) years. A cumulative total of approximately 5,000 cubic yards of gravel would be excavated each year at these sites. The stated purpose of this project is to temporarily stockpile gravel to allow excess water to drain out before hauling it to a plant for processing.
The draft certification and additional information containing the link to the USACE Public Notice will be posted on the KDHE website at https://www.kdheks.gov/nps/index.html on or before April 15, 2021. Persons wishing to comment on the referenced draft document must submit their comments in writing by email to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment at KDHE.NPS@ks.gov by May 15, 2021 if they wish to have their comments considered in the formulation of final determinations regarding this public notice.
For more information, contact Amanda Reed, Chief, Watershed Management Section, Bureau of Environmental Field Services, KDHE at Amanda.Reed@ks.gov or KDHE.NPS@ks.gov.
Lee A. Norman, M.D.
Doc. No. 049047